How-to Set up Printing for Students

How-to Set up Printing for Students

At CCS we provide high school students with the ability to print. There is 1 colour photocopier available for use in the learning hub. This guide covers printer setup, printer usage and how to use your student print card.

Printer Set-Up (Mac)


  1. Navigate to system settings from your dock as shown below.

  1. Scroll down and select the printers and scanners option at the bottom. Then select “Add Printer, Scanner or Fax”.

  1. Select “studentprint” then select Add

  1. After the printer has finished installing confirm it is available by checking the printers and scanners window again. Select the newly found “studentprint” printer to open more settings.

  1. Select “Set default Printer” before pressing done.

  1. The first time you send a print job, you will be required on the initial print to enter your login details (you will only need to do this once). Navigate to a new tab on Google Chrome and perform the print preview shortcut by pressing Command + P then select “Print”

  1. When prompted put your school password into the password field in the pop up printer menu. Select “Remember this password in key chain” and select “OK”.

8 .The print job will now be sent through to the printer for printing. To check the status of the job open the queue which will appear as a new icon in the doc temporarily. The Items in queue will disappear when they have been sent to the printer.

** if the print job never disappears or your print icon is flashing the credentials you have put in are incorrect. Please come and see IT at this point.**

  1. Before you can release your job from the printer you must be present at the printer located in the learning hub. The printer menu looks like this:


Printer Menu.jpg
  1. Scan your print card on the card scanner beside the touch interface (Image 1) and open the print release menu (image 2).


Card Scanner.jpg
Image 1
Print Release.jpg
Image 2
  1. A list with your print queue will be shown. From here you can select which jobs you would like to print or delete (Image 3). Select the Test job and press print (Image 4).


Selecting the Print Job.jpg
Image 3
Image 4
  1. Your job will begin printing, make sure to log out of the interface when you are finished on the machine.




If any issues occur please come see IT in the business centre and we can help sort them out.


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