Selecting Subjects Through Edval (SSO)

Selecting Subjects Through Edval (SSO)

This year at CCS we are moving towards an automatic timetabling solution for our students subjects. The current subject selection is for preferences so please follow this guide to help fill out the subject selection form.


  1. Open a Google Chrome and Navigate to portal.office.com

  2. Log in to your school account using your school email or make sure you are currently logged in under your school account. Please select your initials in the top right to check this.


  3. Once you have confirmed that you are logged into your school account in portal.office.com please navigate to SEQTA student.calderwodocs.nsw.edu.au.au

  4. From the welcome page please select the Edval Icon, this will send you to an Edval log in screen.

  5. Please select the Lock Icon on the bottom of the login


6. Proceed onto the subject selection form by clicking the elective choice form. If you do not see your elective option below please skip to step 6b otherwise go to step 7

6b. Select the top right where your name appears and click switch year.

6c. Select 2024


7. Please fill your form out in order of your most preferred subjects to your least preferred. The form will look different depending on what grade you are in. Below is an example of both.

*Please note that you can see instructions and requirements to your preferences on the right hand side of the page
Stage 6 Example of subject preferences
Stage 5 Example of Subject selection


8. After filling out the form and abiding by the rules please submit your response. You will have the choice to either print or email a copy of your preferences to yourself. Please await further instruction from the school.


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