E-Submission, providing feedback and releasing marks

E-Submission, providing feedback and releasing marks


  1. To ensure that you have a task ready for E-Submission, you will need to access the specific task. This is done by entering the ‘Teaching Workspace’’, selecting the relevant class, opening the ‘Programme’ and selecting ‘Overview of Assessments’. Select the relevant task from the list (see image below).

2. Once the full details have loaded on your page, scroll down to the section titled ‘Submission’

3. Check that ‘File Upload (E-Submission)’ has been marked as ‘ON’ (See above). This causes an additional tab to appear on Seqta Learn for students to upload their work

4. Check that ‘Allow Submission After Due Date’ has been marked as ‘ON’ (See above). You can increase or decrease the number of days after the due date that students can still submit work.

Please note - If your task has multiple components and a separate due date for each component, you will also need to check ‘Allow Submission After Feedback/Marks Released’ as ‘ON’. If this is not selected students will not be able to submit their additional components if you have begun marking their task already, entering and releasing marks/grades into Seqta.

Instructing students to e-submit

Please ensure that you communicate to students that you want them to submit their work via Seqta. This can be done with a Direqt Message to students or written into an online lesson. The text below can be copied and modified to guide students through the process of uploading their work in Seqta.

  1. Have your work saved in an electronic format (Eg, Word Document, PDF, Photo). If you have been working in Google Docs you can choose to 'Download' your assessment task. Please select the 'PDF' option. If your work is handwritten or in your workbook, please scan or take a photo of your work.

  2. Log on to Seqta Learn using your school login details

  3. Click on the Assessments tab

  4. Select <Insert Your Class> from the list

  5. Select the task <Insert Name of Task>

  6. On the main part of the page, the assessment task will now have loaded. You will need to select 'Submissions'.

  7. On the menu that has now appeared, select 'Add Files' and from their provided options select 'My Device'.

  8. Navigate through your computer's files to select your assessment task and confirm by clicking 'Open'.

  9. The files you have selected will now appear on the 'Submissions' page. You have now uploaded and saved your assessment task on Seqta.

Viewing/downloading a submitted task

  1. For you to view a task that a student has submitted you will need to access your ‘Marks Book’ for the subject that corresponds with the task.

2. You will need to scroll across the page to find the relevant task. Tasks will be grouped based on the option you selected when creating the task (Eg. Formal Assessment Tasks, Term 1 - Informal Tasks).

3. Under the column ‘Files’, students who have uploaded work will have a paperclip appear along with a green dot (see image below).

4. You can view and download individual students' work by clicking on the paperclip that aligns with that student. To download all files in one go, click the cloud beneath ‘Files’ (see image below). All files that have been uploaded by students will be downloaded to your computer and grouped in folders that are allocated to each student. 

Marking a task and providing feedback

  1. To mark a task and provide feedback to a student, you will need to access your ‘Marks Book’. Once in your marks book, scroll across the page to find the relevant task. 

  2. In the vertical columns, you can insert a grade or mark (depending on whether you have set up the task to be marks-based or grade-based). Click ‘Save’ when finished entering marks/grades.


3. Select the ‘Focus’ icon next to a student, the menu below will appear.



4. Under ‘Teacher marking and feedback’ all the criteria you created as part of the task will appear. In the example above there are 3 sets of criteria - Food Groups, Macronutrients and Explanation of Changes. In the box that corresponds with each, you can input a grade or a mark. Click ‘Save’ once you have put this information in.

5. Under the heading ‘Teacher Feedback’ you can insert any comments you have about a student’s work. This can be given a unique format using the tool bar available to you.

6. Under the heading ‘Private annotation’ (see the image above) you can insert additional comments about students' work or performance. These notes remain hidden, with students and parents unable to view these comments. This could be used to make more candid statements about a student’s work to provide further context for the grade they have received.

7. ‘Teacher files’ allows you as a teacher to upload files or resources that relate to student work. If you have made handwritten comments or annotations to students work and scanned this document, this is where you can upload that document so students can see your feedback. Also if you took photos of a student presentation this is a way to share those images with students.

8. Ensure you click ‘Save’ before moving onto another task. 

Releasing feedback and marks

  1. To release feedback and marks for a task you will need to access the specific task. This is done by entering the ‘Teaching Workspace’’, selecting the relevant class and opening the ‘Programme’ and selecting ‘Overview of Assessments’. Select the relevant task from the list.

  2. Scroll to the ‘Availablity and Dates’ section of the task.

3. Click on the ‘Teacher feedback released’ bubble to release feedback only (you may choose to stagger providing feedback and marks).

4. Click on the ‘Marks released’ bubble to release both feedback and marks at the same time. (NOTE - Once you have released marks feedback will also be accessible, you cannot release marks without releasing feedback too).

5. Ensure you click ‘Save’ before moving onto another task.

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