Logging in To Seqta

Logging in To Seqta

Seqta Is our Schools main learning space for both teachers and students. Using Seqta teachers can mark rolls, record marks, plan lessons, check their timetable and so on.

Logging in to Seqta is super simple, please follow the steps bellow.

Navigate to https://staff.calderwoodcs.nsw.edu.au/ The page should look like this:

Teacher usernames are first initial + last name. So John Smith’s log in would be JSmith. The password is the same password you use to log in to your school email. If you have forgotten it or don’t have one yet please contact IT Support. (Note - If you are an older staff your username may be ‘Last name.First Name’ e.g Smith.John)

Once Logged into Seqta we recommend Saving your Password and Bookmarking the welcome page (Ctr D). As you will be visiting Seqta a lot.

I am a Casual, How do I log in?


If you are a casual the only difference is your Username and Password.

Depending on what casual device you have will depend on the username use. If you have Casual device 1 than the Username would be CCSCasual1. The only difference between the each casuals username is the number.

The Password used to log in is located on the left of your devices touch pad.

Need Help?

Contact the IT Department at helpdesk@calderwood.nsw.edu.au or dial our phone Extension: 717

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